Cardiac Risk Factor Clinic

[heading font_size=”20px” color=”#284B80″]Prevention is better than cure, and identifying risk factors that lead to the development of heart disease is the first step in preventing its development in the future. At Baliga Diagnostics Pvt. Ltd., we pride ourselves in offering our patients a comprehensive service that covers every aspect of risk assessment, with the aim to pick up warning signs early and treating them punctually.[/heading]

What are Cardiac Risk Factors?

Cardiac risk factors refer to those conditions or factors that lead to the development of heart disease. Some of these are reversible, but unfortunately some are not. The common risk factors that are responsible for the Heart attack risk.development of heart disease include –

  • Smoking – Regular cigarette, cigar and beedi smokers are at a high risk of developing heart disease.
  • Family history – A strong family history refers to patients whose family members have suffered from heart disease at a young age (below 65).
  • Hypertension – High blood pressure places a tremendous stress on the heart, and is an important cause for heart attacks and strokes.
  • Diabetes Mellitus – Patients with diabetes have been shown to be at a high risk of developing heart attacks and angina.
  • High cholesterol – High blood cholesterol is responsible for narrowing of the heart arteries (amongst others) due to deposition on its wall. This is called atherosclerosis and is a well know cause for heart disease.
  • Type A personality – Individuals under a great deal of stress at their jobs or at home can develop risk factors that eventually lead to heart disease.


How can cardiac risk factors be managed?

The best way to manage cardiac risk factors is to recognise their presence and deal with them accordingly. There are various lifestyle changes and dietary modifications that can be made to reduce future risk of heart disease, but in most cases this may not be sufficient. Undergoing extensive investigations to ascertain cardiac risk is a good way to identify your future risk of developing heart disease.

How we can help

At Baliga Diagnostics Pvt. Ltd, we offer a comprehensive cardiac risk factor diagnostic package, and can arrange a variety of tests that will help provide an excellent assessment of your future risk of developing heart disease. We use evidence based scoring systems and will give you a full report with all your results for you to take home.

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  • Blood tests – Complete hemogram, Fasting blood sugar, Full lipid profile, Kidney function (sodium, potassium, creatinine), SGOT, Urine analysis
  • BMI assessment with W:H ratio
  • ECG
  • Chest X-ray
  • Echocardiography
  • Exercise treadmill test
  • Full consultation and clinical examination
  • Risk assessment scoring (Q-Risk)



Arranging an appointment

We hold our cardiac risk factor assessment clinic every last Saturday of the month. Please call us for more information or to arrange an appointment. You can get all the details here.

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